Some Hints on Computer Etiquette- By: Brenda Williams

Description : Those of us who are old enough to have been brought up with Emily Post remember the rules for letter writing, sending and replying to invitations, etc.
With the computer came a new demand for etiquette that goes beyond pen and ink invitations but is nevertheless equally necessary.

For instance, in sending emails one should avoid writing the message all in caps. This implies that you are angry and screaming at the recipient. However, if you are angry, then caps are one way to express the anger.

When you change the subject, change the subject line.

And respect people s preferences about receiving attachments. Some people do not want to receive and will not open attachments. The same is true of forwarding to a list. Be sure the person to whom you are forwarding, is compatible with being a member of the list.

Also, if you do send an attachment to someone, email first and let the person know that you are sending an attachment. An email from you may not really be from you. There are viruses that can steal email addresses and use them to trick people into opening dangerous attachments that carry viruses, worms, etc.

And for your personal computer safety, ask your friends to notify you in advance if they are sending an attachment.

You should also be careful about sending sad news via email. Remember, that email is only print. The recipient can t see facial expressions, gestures or hear your tone of voice. Therefore, an email can appear cold and uncaring when it isn t meant to be.

In some situations you can use Emoticons to express your feelings. However, these are not always appropriate, for instance in announcing a death. Sad news might best be relayed by telephone.

Instant messaging is an area deserving special consideration. You are always notified when your buddies come on line. However, just because they are online doesn t mean they are free to chat. They may be in the midst of important business that demands their full attention. So if they do not respond to your first invitation, do not continue to bombard them with greetings.

And if you plan to cover a complex situation during your chat, it might be better to send an email about the matter prior to the chat. That way, the recipient has a chance to study it carefully and think about it prior to the chat time.

Use care if you are using the computer at work. Also be careful what type of messages you send to your friends at their work place. Employers expect their employees to be working and using the computer only for work related tasks. Most object strenuously to the use of company computers for employees personal affairs.

As a result, most companies and public organizations have monitoring systems that can track inappropriate use of company computers. Employees have been fired for using company computers for personal use.

Therefore, it is best to avoid checking personal email, replying to personal email or conducting personal business such as checking your bank account or paying credit card bills on a company computer.

A little concern and thoughtfulness can eliminate problems and ill will making the computer experience pleasant for all concerned.

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